The stain of original sin in being a Malay is not one that can be
removed by baptisms, street marches, absolution through political or
cultural exorcism. It is a sin that dates back to antiquity in the eyes
of the Chinese and Indians of Malaysia so deeply rooted in their psyche,
so much a part of their vocabulary and their consciousness it
embarrasses commonsense and defiles logic. It is a silent form of
Apartheid practiced by Malaysia’s Chinese and its Indian citizens who
struggle to be subtle about their discrimination of Malays even though
they claim otherwise.
The vice of Anwar’s political ambitions lie in that bitter and toxic
relationship, Anwar cultivated in a hurry to muster the much needed
numbers to make his political dream of government a reality. It was a
plan doomed to failure from the start. The mainly Chinese and Indian
Malaysian dream of a meritocracy or a BN free Malaysia dominated by the
Pakatan has no place for the Malays above or alongside them.