BN Adalah Sahabat Sejati Pendidikan Sekolah Cina
Dari Pak Menteri hinggalah Pegawai - Usah Impikan PRU la, Najib, kalau Macam Ni!
Subsidi & Rakyat Jelata
The Scribe A Kadir Jasin
Haiya! NEM stands for "Nak Ekonomi Mampus" kaa, Najib? Banyak Pening Lorrr..!!
MEB/NEM Mengkhianati Kontrak Sosial
Pribumi Perkasa
MEB/NEM Dirangka Tanpa MengambilKira Orang Melayu & Bumiputera
A Voice
Cakapla Awal-Awal Kalau Tak Mahu Menang PRU
MEB Bukan Bermaksud Mengenepikan Agenda Melayu dan Bumiputera....katanya

Matlamat dan Cita-Cita PKR
What About the "at least 240b oil fields"? PKFZ? Sime Darby? etc..etc
Chinese Are Racist
Opposition Parties in Malaysia for Dummies
"...1. An offender could not win a case in court if the judge and police are dedicated to their job, sincere and clean. The opposition have no other option than to pollute authorities image in order to win in court.
2. Government that govern a country strongly base on harmony could not be defeated through a fair election. So the opposition must raise issues of races, allegation towards judiciary and law in order to shake and separate people support to win the election.
3. Government that govern the country do not have major problems and could not be destroy easily. Base on this, opposition created allegations and provocation on issues that could weaken the nation to champion for the people..."
"...If Chinese dream of their children to become a Malaysian Prime Minister, then their children need to be taught to accept Malaysia as it is including races, schools, history, kings, cultures, languages and its beauties. In other words, be a 1 Malaysia or else, do not blame people for telling you to return to China to fulfil your children dream..."
Malaysia Instinct @Dari Kacamata Melayu
The National Language of Malaysia
Baik Sungguh Penduduk-Penduduk Asal Tanah Melayu
Hakikatnya, Mereka Ini Sememangnya Pendatang
Antara Kesetiaan & Gunting Dalam Lipatan
Barking Magpie
Who Else Make Themselves 'Different' and 'Distinct'? Who Is The Real Racist Here?
OutSyed The Box
Bukankah Semua Agama, bukan Islam sahaja, Melarang Judi?
Voices Around
Cabaran Kepada Melayu Tidur
Apa Pilihan Orang Melayu?
Hidup Tuah!
To Build A Nation, Build A School - Certainly Not Najib's Type of School
"...If only our puny government realises that education could shape an entire generation, they would’ve taken some drastic actions since the formation of Malaysia. Hence, to shape a generation whereby all races could be united under one roof, it all starts with education. Isn’t it surprising how we then wonder why races in Malaysia aren’t united?
The mere existence of vernacular schools distorts the fabric of our society. Just picture, Ah Meng is taught to mingle with his Chinese friends in the Chinese PRIMARY school which he attends. He eats Chinese food and speaks Mandarin in school. He is sheltered from the reality that there are Malays, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, etc living amongst us in Malaysia.
I’ve heard parents say: “Malay teachers in national schools are lazy”. I say, go to hell! It is not about a matter of race! Don’t be fucking racist. It is about the excessive workload that is piled on teachers by the Pusat Pelajaran Daerah (PPD), Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) and the like. They are overburdened and yet they could still teach. You call that lazy? - UNCLE S ..."
Kempen SSS
Siapa Sebenarnya Yang Meletakkan Najib di Kerusi PM?
Voices Around
Demi Cina, Najib Sememangnya Berani"...Kerajaan BN adalah sahabat sejati pendidikan sekolah Cina..."
"...Najib berkata beliau telah mengambil “risiko politik” apabila beliau mencadangkan Akta Pendidikan dipinda untuk membolehkan sekolah rendah Cina ditukarkan menjadi sekolah jenis kebangsaan..."
Kempen SSS
Melayu Tidur!!!! - Hari Ini Pun Presiden UMNO Telahpun Berada Di Lutut Mereka
"...Rancangan PR untuk berkuasa ini sepatutnya dapat menimbulkan kesedaran dan ketakutan orang Melayu kerana outcome rancangan tersebut amatlah jelas. Ia adalah satu rantaian usaha sistematik kaum Cina untuk berkuasa ke atas bangsa Melayu. Baca dan fahamkanlah betul-betul kenyataan CJM ini..."
“…hari ini di negeri Johor kita bersaing dengan UMNO, kerana selagi UMNO tidak tumbang, masyarakat Cina tiada untungnya…”
Hidup Tuah!
Yang Menjadi Kesayangan PM dan MB"...Di bawah program MB Khalid pemberian tanah kepada rakyat di Selangor harga nya sangat murah. Kenapa murah premium nya ? Cuma RM1 sekaki. Maknanya kalau 4,000 kaki persegi cuma bayar RM4,000 sahaja.
Tapi ada syarat-syaratnya. Antara syarat tersebut adalah, pemohon mesti berbangsa cina. Ya Cina. Melayu atau India atau Sikh atau Serani, itu lain harga. Yang istimewa adalah untuk orang Cina, kalau yang Melayu pohon, dia kena bayar RM10 sekaki persegi. Maknanya kalau dia mohon 4,000 kaki, dia kena bayar RM40,000..."
Pilihan Anda
Orang Malaysia Pada Dakwaan Mulut, Pendatang Pada Hakikat - 1M'sia Najib, "Rakyat di Ulu kan, Cina Di Utamakan"
A Tuition For Najib and Those Who Brainlessly Squealing on "Ketuanan Melayu"
"...Constitutionally, the Federation of Malaysia which is a sovereign nation recognised diplomatically as legal citizen of the world and member of the United Nation is fundamentally about Malay. Islam, the religion of the Malays is the religion of the Federation of Malaysia. Malay language, the mother tongue and lingua franca of the Malay archipelago (till present) is the official language, as per Article 152..."
...Its time everyone respect that. The matter of fact to question the Special Right of the Malays, could be deemed seditious. It is time that everyone worked within and around the ambit of the Malays is the basis of this sovereign nation..."
Did the "yet-to-be-implemented-MEB/NEM" responsible for the Malaysian 10th Most Competitive Nation spot? Or Was It The Fruit & Labor of NEP/DEB?
"...The notion that NEP was the reason Malaysia lost its competitiveness was absurd. It was during the NEP era that all Malaysian enjoyed peace and prosperity. Although NEP was meant to revive the economic sector of the Bumiputera, the non Bumiputera benefited along from the growth driven NEP.
Unlike the NEM, which is too focus on business sector needs, the NEP was a more wholesome economic policy that meets and covers the social, political and security aspect of the nation..."
A Voice
"...While the Bumiputeras and the poor Chinese and Indians benefited modestly from official largesse, the Chinese mercantile and professional classes benefited more substantially.
With one stroke of a pen by the Finance Minister allowing football betting, tycoon Vincent Tan is richer by RM525 million richer..."
The Scribe A Kadir Jasin
Yo! Melayu!! Bangun! Bangun!
Mentari Sudah Nak Tenggelam
Mentari Sudah Nak Tenggelam
MASIH TAK NAMPAK LAGI? - PANEH MIANG Di antara 1Kelantan dan 1Malaysia Najib - Apa Dia Konsep 'Oghe Kito' & 'Oghe Luar'?
"...Rakyat atau orang Kelantan dari pelbagai keturunan etnik itu memang merasai nilai kesatuan dan perpaduan mereka...
...Orang Kelantan tidak gemar kalau mereka dikatakan bersemangat kenegerian dan kedaerahan. Mereka lebih kekitaan dengan rasa ‘samo kito’. Mereka boleh berkelahi kerana politik dalaman tetapi bersatu hati dalam budaya...
...ada ‘orang luar’ diberi tempat. Mohamed Sabu, Daeng Mariok, Nasharuddin Mat Isa, Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli, Sallehuddin Ayub, Saifuddin Nasution menjadi Ahli Parlimen bukan di daerah asal mereka. Jauh sebelum itu Zulkifli Muhammad adalah orang Perak. Maknanya orang Kelantan tidak tolak ‘orang luar’...
...Jika formula 1Malaysia diharapkan terlaksana dalam dua aspek utama iaitu penerapan teras-teras perpaduan dan nilai-nilai aspirasi, maka kedua-duanya memang ada pada jiwa orang Kelantan...
Nama-nama seperti Dr Lim Swee Tin, Awang Abdullah, Azlee Lee (Lee Chong Beng), Selina Lee, Eh Deng, Chua Tek Lui, Seri Neng Buah dan lain-lain. Tanya mereka tentang konsep ‘oghe kito’ dan ‘oghe luar’. Cara begitulah yang kita harapkan rakyat Malaysia menerima hakikat sejarah, kebudayaan dan sistem pemerintahan Malaysia...
...Penerimaan prinsip-prinsip kenegaraan berteraskan Perlembagaan dan Rukun Negara, sesuatu yang dijunjung tinggi orang Kelantan. Mereka tahu keluhuran Perlembagaan Negeri. Orang Kelantan juga mahukan keadilan sosial. Mereka faham antara hak negeri dengan hak negara, hak antara kaum dan sebagainya..."
Neutral Daily
Who Is Taek Jho Low? Big Spending Mystery Malaysian? Najib, Any Clue?
"...the investment arm of the Qatar government is probably talked into coming in by that young Chinaman, Taek Jho Low who gave Datin Sri Rosmah a gala of a party in New York last year...
If this is true, it will certainly raise some very tough questions. Why should any of the government linked company ( LTAT) belongs to the Armed Forces -get involved in this deal?... "
Di Antara Menteri-Menteri Yang Ada Dalam Kabinet Najib
Tukang Dok Peghati
Bapa Sabotaj Anak? Rimbunan Hijau jadi Dalang? Tikam Dari Dalam? PAS gadai ISLAM?
The Unspinners
"...the successor Government gave back the 10 per cent deposit and told the Dubai investors there was something wrong with the investment.
The contract to build the plant was given to Sime Darby with a mainland Chinese partner. The price submitted was so low that the Malaysian who was the next lowest bidder was astounded..."
UMNO has Najib as President and MCA & Gerakan as Brothers in BN.
Satu Hala @The Unspinners
Kadok-Pandir Clans? Descendents of si Luncai & Pak Belalang? Who are they, PAS ??
Mat Cendana
Selangor Negeri Cina walaupun MBnya Melayu PKR (Puak Kencing Rakyat) dan EXCOnya Melayu PAS (Puak Agama Sesat)
House PK
Lu Tau Wa Pun Tau
By Paneh Miang
Pasal Petronas Ni Dah Berbuih Bersuara - Now Your Turn Najib, Nak Degil Lagi ke?
Tukang Dok Peghati
Seruan kepada Orang Yang Masih Lagi Melayu Yang Ada di Dalam UMNO & PAS & PKR
Pribumi Perkasa
PAS - Dulu Dan Sekarang
Penghuni Gua
Tukar PAS kepada Parti Anda Semua - Why Not?
" is time for pas to change their party constitution as pas is no longer Islamic base party..."
Dah La Semua Nampaknya Hendak di Gadai, Kalah dan Kena Kencing Pulak Lagi!
Apa Kata kalau Najib serahkan kepimpinan UMNO kepada Orang Berjiwa Melayu?
Masih Berlututkah Najib Pada Kaum Ini?
PAS's Bedmate - The Racist DAP
Najib Yang Di Kencing Berkali-kali : Relakah Orang Melayu Punyai Ketua sebegini?
Sekolah Vernakular Yang Najib Pertahankan - Start Acting Like A Malaysian, Najib!
Of Namewee, DAP, Gerakan & Even MCA - Who is dirtier Racist, Najib?
Najib Tak Nak Join Gerakan Ke? Biar Orang Melayu Sendiri Yang Terajui UMNO?
"...dap telah membuktikan bahawa agenda rasis cina dan semangat anti islamnya semakin diterima oleh kesemua pengundi cina.pengundi cina jugak sudah sedia menunjukkan sikap ultra cina mereka.mereka sudah mengimplementasi, melayu bila lagi ?
apa perlu kita meminta pada orang yang dah tak sudi.
dap konsisten dalam membela cina, kenapa tidak kita ?..."
PAS MelePAS dan Sikap Najib Terhadap Penyokongnya Sendiri
Mana pergi Menteri Amaran?
DAP Pemula Detik 13 Mei - Kini Revolusi Menjatuhkan Negara Dimulakan di Sibu
The Unspinners
Albert Winsemius & Goh Keng Swee : A History Tried to Be Rewritten
Nizar of PAS - Do you Still Want To Vote For Pakatan?
"...His venomous tongue is worse than a cobra's bite..."
"...he even tried to speak Malay with a Chinese accent, what kind of a man he is..."
"...His most invective speech to rile racial hatred between Chinese and Malays shows how bankrupt of ideas and dangerous he is..."
"...lackey of the DAP, the man who insulted his own Sultan for power and glory..."
Semut Besi @Penghuni Gua
Najib Tak Habis-Habis Dengan Sekolah Cina - Memang Juara Cina PM Malaysia ini Pilihan Anda
Perjuangan Yang Dilacurkan : Kesian Penyokong PAS - Kena lagi!
Suruhanjaya Perlantikan Kehakiman - Kuasa & Pelindung Orang Melayu Sedang di Hakis
Najib Tak Habis-Habis Dengan Sekolah Cina - Memang Juara Cina PM Malaysia ini
Racist and Piggy - PAS DAP Tagteam
"...dari zaman nenek moyang dulu kita (cina) telah berada di Malaysia. Malaysia bkn hak milik melayu! Sibu bukan milik mereka!..."
"...Inilah negara kebajikan. Jgn bimbang dgn PAS, kita hormat pada agama lain. Kalau anda punya agama kata boleh minum arak dan babi, minum dan makanlah seberapa banyak yang boleh!..."
"...Kalau diteruskan menyokong BN, takkan ada lagi kita (cina) menikmati babi, apatah lagi nak membina kilang babi di Selangor turut dibantah?..."
Media Cyber @The Unspinners
Let's Ask Najib
"...Kalau tak dapat apa yang dituntut, DS Najib akan diugut?
Kaum Bumi pulak mintak ape? Longkang? Tiang letrik? Hmmm..."
Hidup Tuah!
Their corruption is crude - no finesse
OutSyed The Box
Allah issue is up again - KDN, how now DAP? Najib : Can You Read Rukun Negara?
Pure Shiite
Menyeru kepada "Perubahan" dari jauh ? Apa rasionalnya?
Gelagat Anwar @House PK
Karpal Admitted It - "“Anwar Ibrahim mesti bertaubat!”, said Karpal.
Jebat Must Die
Read also from OutSyed The Box, RBF, Marahku, The Unspinners, GAP
And take a break, HERE.
Read also from OutSyed The Box, RBF, Marahku, The Unspinners, GAP
Betul Ke?
And take a break, HERE.
Namun hari ini Najib begitu mengguris hati setiap anak-anak Melayu
Paneh Miang
"...Perhaps we should acknowledge our past “inaccuracy” in saying that the citizenship right for the non-Malays was in exchange for the Special Position of the Malays. One of the following articles quotes the British Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) for the Colonies (Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd), telling the British Parliament while debating the Malaya Independence Bill:
“All that the Reid Commission did was to continue to give cognisant to those special positions. There were no new position or right added as part of a compromise. To say therefore that citizenships were offered to the non-Malays in exchange of those special positions were not accurate. That is because those positions were already there and recognised from day one..."
Kempen SSS
Of Malaysian Job Application - Required Languages : Chinese, English (Najib???)
On Da Street
Che Det
Pribumi Perkasa @ The Unspinners
Read also "Setakat Rakan Kenduri" by Tam Dalyell
Read also "Demand for RCI : A Political Agenda Above Anything Else" by BigDog
and "Aminulrashid dan Polis Sahaja....?" by Tam Dalyell
and "Do Not Appoint Karpal, It Will Be Another Circus" by Hantulaut
and "Shooting Of 15 Year Old : Circus Begins" by OutSyed The Box
and "When The Political Buzzards Start Circling..Something Really Stinks!" by Mahaguru58
also HERE, HERE, Surat Terbuka RBF, HERE and HERE
Najib to Legalise Gambling?
Voices Around
Dah Nak Jadi Gila Ke Kerajaan Pimpinan Najib Ni?
Pilihan AndaNajib Nak Langgar Perlembagaan?
"...Perjuangan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Melayu dan pribumi mengenai hak kepentingan dan keistimewaan kaum itu bukannya satu agenda sempit tetapi selaras dengan Piagam Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB)..."
Ini Yang Najib Pertahankan Sangat?
"...Perisytiharaan Bersama Pertubuhan2 Cina Malaysia 1985...
Din Turtle
On National Language and Chinese, Ask Najib!
Hidup Tuah!Where is the bottomest limit of your "apologetic" stance, Najib?
Hidup Tuah!Read also "Setakat Rakan Kenduri" by Tam Dalyell
Selamatkan Khazanah Negara !!!
Jebat Must DieThe TBH Plot by Opposition : Next Plot will be The Shooting of 15y.o. boy?
The UnspinnersRead also "Demand for RCI : A Political Agenda Above Anything Else" by BigDog
and "Aminulrashid dan Polis Sahaja....?" by Tam Dalyell
and "Do Not Appoint Karpal, It Will Be Another Circus" by Hantulaut
and "Shooting Of 15 Year Old : Circus Begins" by OutSyed The Box
and "When The Political Buzzards Start Circling..Something Really Stinks!" by Mahaguru58
also HERE, HERE, Surat Terbuka RBF, HERE and HERE
Semangat 153
Pribumi Perkasa
UMNO - The MALAY Political Party
Aspan Alias
DAP Feeds on RacismDin Turtle
Tidak Tegas & Asyik Melayan - Lembik!
Ridhuan Tee
Beranikah Najib membersihkan UMNO atau masih takut kepada Pemuda?
The Sense, Credibility and Accountability
Fast Spinning Media, Information Leaks & Shamsul of Petronas - Whazzup?
Another Brick In The Wall
UMNO have betrayed it's own constituency?
Another Brick In The Wall
Is This Country Up For Sale?
Voices Around
Najib, Would You Like To Listen To This?
"...Perhaps future policy and programmes to uplift the standard of living of the people should be targeted towards the Bumiputeras and the minority Indians since the Chinese, via their voting pattern, had sent a strong signal to the BN that they are not in dire need of the government..."
Lessons And Pointers From Hulu Selangor - The Scribe A KAdir Jasin
- Apa dah jadi dengan sekolah kebangsaan kita? - Hidup Tuah
- Lain KALI suruh aje Wisma Putra JAWAB, bukannya hantar si BADUT 'The HATCHET Man' untuk tolong JAWABkan! - Tukang Dok Peghati
- Najib should not cover Pak Lah's treachery! - A Voice
- Debat DEB - 43.9% percaya DEB bantu pencapaian Malaysia - Tun Faisal
- Nazri and Wisma Putra only raised more questions than answers - A Voice
- Daulat Tuanku
- Christian Fundamentalism And M'sian Chinese Politics - OutSyed The Box
- Kelantan Sultanate ~ Time for a new Sultan? - Mahaguru58
- PRK Sibu: DAP hasut pengundi membenci polis - The Unspinners
- Kenapa Blok L dan M ditukar jadi Blok KJ, kemudian Blok CA? - Anak Omak
- Pakatan Riot Again - Outsyed The Box
- PRK Sibu akan menentukan samada kaum CINA lebih RELA melayan TUNTUTAN RACIST berbanding bekerjasama dengan KAUM-kaum lain demi negara.. - The Sense, Credibility and Accountability
- When Vultures Descend - Revert
- Dato' Nik Aziz Sangat Sayangkan DAP - Cucu Tok Selampit
- Hanky Panky Selangor Government - A Piece of My Mind
- Can't Buy Me Love,Can't Buy Me Vote - HantuLaut
- 1Khalid Gagap: Cina dimurahkan, Melayu dimahalkan - The Unspinners
- Warkah untuk Orang Melayu - Paneh Miang
- SKANDAL KOHILAL Bah 1: PAS telan RM45 juta wang ahli PAS dalam Kohilal - The Unspinners
- Gempar! IRI Dedah Bantu Parti Politik di Malaysia - Analisa Kumbang
- PKR's New Dawn - A Piece of My Mind
- Kenapa perlu taat Raja Melayu? - Paneh Miang
- Slogan RASUAH MUSUH NEGARA di TV - orang POLITIK kita bagaimana? - Tukang Dok Peghati
- Bina kekuatan menangi hati Muslim - Ridhuan Tee
- KTM land issue vs Singapore M - Jebat Must Die
- Of Trains Stations and Airport Askar.... a quick look at atas angin deals - Pure Shiite
- FDI Inflows Versus GLC Outflows - OutSyed The Box
- What do the Malaysian Chinese want? - KitaGempur @Dari Kacamata Melayu
- Should Citizenship of Immigrants be Revoked? - WTMK
- Apa Lagi Malaysia Hendak Berikan Kepada Negara Asing? - Cucu Tok Selampit
- Influential Jewish organisation, B'nai B'rith, condemns Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim! - BarkingMagpie
- PAS & Skandal KOHILAL - The Unspinners : Bhg 1, Bhg 2, Bhg 3, Bhg 4, Bhg 5, Rumusan
- Dahsyat !! Karakter Penyokong Parti Pembangkang - M.I.M.