More of Racist chinese soi lek and Racist indian t. murugiah..
Cina dah gila ke ... Suruh Melayu Bersatu dianggap rasis? - THE UNSPINNERSBelang cina Soi Lek dan Belang india T. Murugiah - Yang Duduk Dalam Parti Komponen Kerajaan
Semalam Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek mendesak diambil tindakan ke atas Timbalan Pengarah Biro Tata Negara (BTN) yang dikatakan mengucapkan perkataan-perkataan perkauman dalam satu perjumpaan tertutup dengan Puteri UMNO Malaysia.
...Chua Soi Lek tidak pula mengecam wartawan berbangsa Cina dari Malaysian Insiders tersebut yang memakai tudung menyamar sebagai Puteri UMNO....
On The Same BTN-Puteri UMNO's Meeting satD wrote:-
and asked:-'...This monkey also wonder what goes around in all those Vernacular School, Business Associations and Political Parties Divisions Meetings of the other "Malaysians" who do not use Bahasa or English as their first language......
And how come there is no Electronic Recording of the "alleged offence".....Every single Mobile phone has that function anyway.....'
"...Was there any representative of the Chinese and Indian Communities in the Puteri UMNO Meeting?..."
Tanah Melayu Negeri Kelantan Untuk Di Lelong - BUMIYANG
Moonshots : Some Conspiracies, Theories and Interesting News - OUTSYED THE BOX
Mengata Dulang Paku Serpih
It is debatable where there were conflicts of interests for the law firm connected to YB R Sivarasa and Latheefa Koya to act for MBPJ. However, this was just another glaring case of CRONYISM at play under the Selangor government. We have read many allegations of cronyism against YB Ronnie Liu, the famous DAP exco member, who was given a tap on the wrist by the DAP for his involvement in the issuance of letters of support for his cronies.
Di antara "MENJAJA" dan "MEMBINA" Negara
Mampukah konsep 1Malaysia melahirkan SATU BANGSA MALAYSIA apabila konsep tersebut tidak mendokong SATU BAHASA KEBANGSAAN dan SATU SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA? Bahkan ianya menekan segala jenis perbezaan, maka lahirlah iklan FlyFM, Maybank dan sebagainya itu sementara sekolah-sekolah vernakular pula bagai diberikan suatu nafas yang baru untuk semakin berkembang dan bercambah?
Racist Dong Zong & DAP Do Not Have Any Respect For the Constitution of This Country
"...Dong Zong has got it wrong when they say that Federal Constitution has protection over the vernacular schools. This is the biggest myth Malaysians had been fed by Dong Zong and their equally chinese supremacist partner, the DAP..."
Perkasa Rally, Pasir Mas
"TDM (red arrow) welcomed by the local Chinese lion dance troupe (the Cino Kapong Pasé Mah, not of the alien NgehNga variety) as he wades his way to the podium. "
Melayu Terpaksa Bangkit Apabila Amaran Hanya Tinggal Amaran - Apa Jadi Dengan Kes Namewee?
Walau bagaimana pun wira PERKASA masih lagi menuntut permohonan maaf dari namewee, desakan itu tidak berakhir setakat malam semalam, selagi namewee tak minta maaf secara terbuka pada bangsa melayu yang kerap di hinanya, selagi itu kita akan tuntut.
Namewee Lari di Serang Perkasa - HOUSE PK
Wira Perkasa anak jantan berhimpun hingga Namewee cabut lari - THE UNSPINNERS
Namewee Lari Lintang Pukang - GAP
Wira Perkasa anak jantan berhimpun hingga Namewee cabut lari - THE UNSPINNERS
Namewee Lari Lintang Pukang - GAP
If you have any information on her, please contact Inspector Haroza Pandi at 019-8793776 or the Raub district police headquarters: 09-355 2222.
Melayu Rasis : Boleh Aku Pinjam Kereta Aku Sekejap? Itupun Kalau Kau Bagi La!
"...Dalam majmuk yang majoriti melayu begitu takut dan berasakan serba salah jika mahu menyebut soal akan hak mutlak mereka, berbicara tentang bangsa sendiri akan dituduh rasis, berbicara soal agama sendiri akan dituduh rasis, membantu bangsa sendiri akan dituduh rasis. Ketakutan dilabel rasis antara kamu cukup memualkan. Haruslah diingat, yang majoritinya melayu dan bumiputra di negara ini tidak pernah menindas dan menghalang untuk beribadat dan bergiat di dalam pelbagai bidang ekonomi dan sektor perkerjaan. Keistimewaan yang ada masih tidak cukup, hak milik mutlak dan keberadaan yang tak seberapa milik melayu itulah yang dituntut oleh mereka
Politik PAS : Di antara Tuhan & Undi Cina
"... from what I have read, the plan is a major development focusing on infra and construction sector. On education or building human resource capacity, I still do not see much. On the SMI or the Bumiputera sector nothing specific. One thing for sure if they are already talking about funding then projects are already secured. What ever this thing is, it is not economic model perse. Just a bunch of projects being put together. I see a bubble being built with no clear direction for the economy. Bond market will be the first to be hit with massive supply of instruments. Then our long term savings or pensions like EPF will get hit..."
Demi Anwar - Apa Saja Untuk Mu !
Karpal Singh berjuang menegakkan kedaulatan Bahasa Malaysia mengikut peruntukan Artikel 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Seksyen 8 Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan 1963.
"...Perkasa is nowhere near ‘Malay supremacy’, ‘Malay dominance’ and the other racist crap that has been played up by the Opposition as well as the MCA..."
Di antara Gelagat-Gelagat Nik Aziz
TGNA DAH TAKDAK NAS lagi nak tolong DAPig!!
Anwar Akan Batalkan Pemilihan PKR ? - THE UNSPINNERS
Apa Yang Perlu Di Pelajarari Daripada Kekecohan Pemilihan PKR - TUKANG DOK PEGHATI
Apa Yang Perlu Di Pelajarari Daripada Kekecohan Pemilihan PKR - TUKANG DOK PEGHATI
"...Pengundi hantu, politik wang, pergaduhan, melarikan peti undi, memalsukan kertas undi, membuang senarai ahli ranting dan paling teruk didalam PKR apabila demokrasi yang dicanang sebelum ini sudah berkubur apabila Anwar sendiri mendesak calon menarik diri daripada lawan calon pilihan beliau.
Inikah parti yang anda mahu menjadi pemerintah dinegara kita? Membusuk dari atas hingga kebawah.
"...Kita tidak mahu Mohd Najib mengisytiharkan perjanjian ini sebagai menang-menang dan dia berjaya di mana Perdana Menteri-Perdana Menteri yang lalu gagal, tetapi akhirnya yang dikejar tak dapat yang dikendong berciciran..."
Orang Hilang - Mohon Kerjasama (KERIS PUTERA @ JEJAK HABIB)
*sesiapa yg t'nampak atau ada maklumat tentang perempuan dalam gambar ni tolong hubungi no di bawah dgn segera.
*017 5320 760 fadzril
* dia dikatakan berada di skitar klang @ kuala lumpur.
*tarikh kehilangan: 17/9/2010 hgga skrg,masih blum djumpai
Nazri Aziz - Pemangkin Perpecahan Bangsa Melayu
"...Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang ditanda tangani pada 21 Januari 1948 ini merupakan bukti bahawa negara ini ujud bawah ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ dimana kedudukan orang Melayu merupakan tunggak asas landasan negara ini dilahirkan dan peruntukan perjanjian ini merupakan semangat dan roh Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang berkuat kuasa pada 31 Ogos 1957 apabila Kemerdekaan dicapai.."
"...Tetapi manusia bernama Nazri hanyalah seorang pengecut yang kerjanya hanya mengampu Perdana Menteri. Kalau dahulu masa zaman Tun Mahathir, dialah paling hebat membodek dan mengipas Tun Mahathir. Tetapi ketika zaman Pak Lah, dia begitu hebat mempertahankan Pak Lah daripada kritikan Tun Mahathir dan kini dia juga mahu menunjukkan kehebatannya "mempertahankan" Najib..."
"...There’s only one thing left to do if you want to salvage yourself and sleep better at night. Being a Malay where respecting the elders is tantamount to having good manners, I am sure you would know what to do. Showing egoistical tendencies through the media is certainly not one of them.."
PAS Yang Gagal
Parti yang sepatutnya memperjuangkan hak dan kebajikan orang-orang islam telah bertukar menjadi parti penakut dan parti pak turut.
"I dont know who gives the Government this type of advise. Mind boggling" - OUTSYED THE BOX
"...Adakah DS Najib sudah tetap dengan MEB sebagaimana yang dirancangkan pada asalnya oleh beliau dan/atau penasihat-penasihat beliau? Justeru itu, segala apa jua tentangan dan ketidakpuasan hati terhadap MEB ini hanya diselesaikan oleh DS Najib dengan "pemanis muka atau penyejuk keadaan" untuk meredakan keadaan seketika itu sahaja? Kemudian teruskan rancangan asal MEB itu seolah-olah tiada apa-apa tentangan? Dalam bahasa kasarnya, "dikencingkan" sebagaimana sebahagian ahli-ahli politik mengencingkan pengundi-pengundinya..."
"...Nampaknya kerajaan sendiri yang ingkar dengan Perlembagaan Msia. Nampaknya cita-cita untuk sekolah satu aliran di Malaysia akan berkubur. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pun dah jadi penakut sebab ikut semua permintaan MCA. Permintaan, keluhan org Melayu dipandang sepi..."
Syamimi Shamsuddin @PRIBUMI PERKASA
"Hak Kita Tetap Hak Kita"
"...Malaysia bukanlah untuk orang Melayu sahaja tetapi adalah kepunyaan Bukan Melayu juga, kerana mereka diberikan hak sebagai wargangara semasa Kemerdekaan mahu dicapai walaupun mereka tidak bangkit untuk menentang Malayan Union. “Orang Melayu amat murah hati kerana sanggup berkongsi negara dengan Bukan Melayu yang satu masa dulu tiada berwarga negara. Hari ini apa yang dituntut ialah Hak Istimewa Orang Melayu (Sebagaimana diperuntukan dalam Perlembagaan) hendak dihapuskan. Inikah balasan kebaikan orang Melayu menerima mereka?..."
PKR Merbuk kecoh semalam (Calun-calun Melayu di Tumbangkan last minute ?)
DAP, Hindraf guna alasan binatang pertahan Patmanathan (Pakatan Rakyat Tiada Lagi Sensitiviti Terhadap Agama)
ADUN DAP simpan Mistress (Detektif McTheory di Ugut)
Khalid kocak dalam pejabat dengan Rahimah? (SelangorDaily)
Isu-isu salahlaku N.Ajis yang masih tidak terjawab dan PANAS! Dewan Ulamak PAS Kelantan anggap balasan pada N.Ajis
Untuk Renungan Orang Melayu Yang Menyokong PR - Sewaktu Pemerintahan PR di Perak"...Perkara yang di dibuat oleh pakatan rakyat sewaktu mengambilalih dari BN adalah:
1. Meluluskan tanah untuk kaum cina selama 999 tahun
2. Meluluskan tanah untuk sekolah cina sejumlah 3000 ekar
3. Mengerahkan semua cina yang mencerobohi tanah secara haram supaya memohon tanah itu kerana pakatan rakyat sedia meluluskannya. Tanah dianggarkan ribuan ekar.
4. Mesyuarat Exco dalam bahasa cina
5. Menjadikan exco orang melayu sebagai sampah kerana semua keputusan dibuat semasa ketiadaan mereka
6. MB hanya boneka DAP , pernah menjadi gila sekejap kerana terlalu ditekan oleh DAP.
7. Menggunakan islam untuk tujuan politik sempit mereka bagi mengkaburi mata rakyat.."
"...Mengapa dalam masa setahun sahaja rezab tunai MBPJ berkurangan kepada separuh?..."
A Premeditated and Planned Act Cannot be a Childish Prank.
"...The lawyers representing the three boys and paid by MCA still insist it is only a childish prank.
A childish prank is when kids steal rambutan or jambu from a neighbours tree. Childish prank do not select liqour bottle in which it is known it will insult muslims. Then filled it with red paint and throw it ala molotov cocktail style to have paint spread....
...why is such criminal case be tried under Juvenile Court? The prosecutor could have insisted on a regular court? Was there a deal done?..."
Siti Inshah, Nasir, Ahmad Ismail etc Did Not Just Blurt Out Something Out Of Nothing
"...Najib sejak akhir2 ni baguslah, banyak beri kenyataan berunsur warning dan juga nasihat kepada cina kiasu yang diketuai oleh Bapa Kiasu Malaysia Lim Kit Siang. Sebelum ni Najib berpesan supaya jangan terpengaruh dengan golongan yang ekstrim dan sekali lagi bila Najib dengan keras menyelar tindakan golongan ekstrim yang rasis yang cuba mengkucar kacirkan suasana harmoni dinegara kita...
...we have rights, and you also have rights. You take care of your rights, we take care of our rights. Meaning, you don't jump over and disturb our rights..."
The Sinkhole That Isn't Getting any Smaller
"...I kept remembering what Tun Dr Mahathir said, that under Slumberjack RM260 billion went unaccounted for. Until today, no one from the Government has been able to answer Dr Mahathir's query. Then I have also heard the view that in just over a year of Najib's premiership, the sinkhole is not getting smaller..."
Kerajaan Selangor Yang Derhaka
"...Inilah kali pertama dalam sejarah pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Selangor, tuanku Sultan telah mengutuskan surat sedemikian rupa, menyatakan kemurkaan dalam bentuk hitam putih..."
LKY's Statement - Of DAP & Gerakan : Communists in Malaysia
"...Our Constitution must be respected. The third principle of the Rukun Negara is ‘keluhuran Perlembagaan‘.
Do all of you chinese and tamil school graduates understand that meaning?
Can Lim Kit Siang embrace the Rukun Negara wholeheartedly now?
You are Malaysian, governed by the Constitution and yet you openly rebuke the supremacy of the Constitution by instigating divisions within the society? If you do not understand the meaning of national unity, and worse, I suspect you openly inciting people to support racial segregation within our society, please do the honourable thing and retire from politics..."
Konspirasi Menjatuhkan Najib
"...Bukan setakat itu, mereka bekerjasama untuk membawa huru hara dalam negara dengan menghancurkan segala asas perlembagaan – ugama Islam, bahasa Melayu, hak istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera, dan raja-raja Melayu..."
Pak Lah lobi KJ untuk jawatan? - ANAK OMAK
Why did Nazri published his open letter to Awang Selamat on The Malaysian Insiders?
"...There must be reasons more than focusing on the different audience and avoid being known by other audience...."
Surat Nazri - Satu Konspirasi Najib ?? - DINTURTLE
"Hatchet Man" Yang Di Benci - TUKANG DOK PEGHATI
"...nik ajis minta peruntukan perbelanjaan daripada kerajaan pusat (menteri kewangan ) anwar ibrahim untuk meluluskan projek membersihkan seterusnya membekalkan air bersih kepada rakyat kelantan.
nik ajis mintak. anwar kata pergi mampos. bapak nik nazmi yang bekerja dengan kerajaan pun merayu kat anwar. anwar kata mampos la pas...
lepas anwar dipecat nik ajis minta lagi peruntukan untuk membersihkan loji dan seterusnya membekalkan air berkualiti kepada rakyat kelantan.
leo moggie seorang kristus. tak sampai melihat rayuan demi rayuan yang nik ajis buat. akhirnya perkara ini dipanjangkan kepada tun daim zainudin. tun daim dan tun mahathir terus lulus kan permintaan nik ajis tanpa banyak songeh..."
Equal Treatment of People in Unequal Circumstances Tantamounts to Inequality
We cannot just harp on 'meritocracy', 'Malaysian Malaysia' and such because you, me and everyone else knows what that means : the Chinese, the Ceylon Tamils, the Malayalis, the Gujeratis and Sindhis will win hands down. They will own all the wealth in the land in no time. Why? Because the Malays and the bumiputras still cannot compete.
Well, here's one reason why so many hate Utusan Malaysia. It's MSM as MSM gets, and it has enough editorial guts to take on the Est. They once took on Dr Mahathir and they even took on the entire Umno machinery (the outcome was bloody and did not favour Utusan, of course), so who is Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, and Niz Aziz? And if you are a newspaper who dares to take on these Big 3 on a daily basis, wtf is Nazri Aziz?
School System - Lee Kuan Yew's Most Damaging Statement to Lim Kit Siang and NAJIB!“Now we have a very polarised Malaysia — Malays, Chinese and Indians in separate schools, living separate lives and not really getting on with one another. You read them. That’s bad for us as close neighbours,” he said..."
Bar Council Should Now Be Barred From Existence
"...The silence of the Bar Council and the Malaysian Bar in the face of such an event as the Sosilawati murder allegations levelled against one of their own, may well and justly be interpreted as a form of acknowledgement by the Malaysian Bar, that thee are paralysed by the truth emerging about what many have over the years suspected of their collective membership as a dishonourable and lawless body of self serving individuals in whom the trust of a nation has been betrayed ..."
Tambahan Dinihari OpEd
"...Eh, tapi kenapa tak ada cerita dalam Kinisidertoday dan website-website yang sewaktu dengannya? Kata website independent?
Cuba jika yang gaduh itu Umno atau MIC, tak meletup cerita ni!
Orh, dulu don't know
Now I dah jelas.
Dulu pun tak sokong Umno
Rupa-rupanya sokong mata air PAS. .."
Suara Mereka Semakin Lantang - Kesempatan Yang Di Curi Atas Dasar 1-Malaysia Najib ke?
Jika isu sensitif ini tidak diurus dengan berhemah dan cermat maka, dengan kombinasi beberapa isu sensitif yang lain seperti isu bahasa, budaya, ekonomi, politik, Tan Lian Hoe, Namewee dan Ismail, ia berpotensi untuk membakar seluruh Negara.
Challenging The Malays to Read This Article - Of Pemandu (hisap candu?) and Pemudah (hisap dadah?)
"...maybe someone can tell the wife of the Prime Minister? So that she may tell her husband. I heard that is a quicker method of getting things done nowadays.
The issue is one of attitude, commitment, culture and religion. We have to make serious changes here.."
What do the Chinese Contribute to Malaysia?
"...You can also get some real sentiments from a regional level on what our neighbours really think of the Chinese in Malaysia....and they also provide their own experiences in dealing with it......."
Kerajaan Di Minta Dedah Data & Stastistik Terkini Ekonomi Orang Melayu
"...Orang Melayu dan Bumiputra sebagai majoriti warga Malaysia wajar menentukan acuan tanahair ini..."
Big Dog
Perkasa and The Once in A Life-time Chance for the Anti-Malay, Amidst the Sissy, Sleepy, Crooked and Neo-Liberal Malays
"...Perkasa is now the sole viable cohesive Malay force to counter the incessant communal assault by the non-Malays who had sensed a once-in-a-lifetime socio-political celestial conjunction where a vain sissy helming UMNO, sleepy mullahs running PAS, and a crooked imposter leading PKR, collectively cast a long slow eclipse that effectively weakened Malay political clout in this country..."
Di antara Budaya Melayu, Budaya Jepun dan Budaya China
"Untuk menjelaskan perbezaan budaya ini lebih lanjut, saya memetik pandangan penulis Cina keturunan Taiwan yang memerhatikan perbezaan organisasi bisnes Cina berbanding Jepun. Chin Ning-Chu dalam bukunya “The Asian Mind Game” menyatakan “…one Chinese look like a dragon. But when three Chinese get together, each one look like a pig. One Japanese look like a pig, while three Japanese look like a dragon.”
Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim @JEBAT MUST DIE
The Legion Of Stupidity in UMNO & Najib's NEM, a product of NEAC who relied heavily on foreign CONs.
"Do you know why Umno is unable to stem the tide of Perkasa? This is because all the thinking Umno members have joined Perkasa and become more active in it. Umno now, and I do think Najib is unaware of it, is better known as the Unthinking Malay National Organisation. All the brilliant ones are becoming more active in Perkasa.
No wonder everytime the NEAC presented their NEM proposal to MPM, their representatives such as Amirsham and Professor Dr Norma Mansor were shred to pieces! They simply could not muster any facts and figures to back their lopsided proposals which are devoid of any Malay Agenda because they themselves had never made any thorough research of the bumiputera situation!"
Why Weren't Killer Lawyers Stopped Earlier?
There were allegations that the brothers had “powerful connections”. Considering the fact that they had managed to be free for so long despite all these reports suggests that these claims aren’t so `wild and baseless’ as to be dismissed offhand. Now nobody wants to claim they were ever close to these killers. But the police/Home Ministry/MACC must also investigate these previous cases – Why was there no action despite all these reports?
Education : Does Najib's 1-Malaysia MEB 'level the playing field' or make it worst?
The promoters of Chinese schools devised their own system of pre-university qualification and the vast wealth of the Chinese in this country afforded them the organisation and the funds to promote it overseas, and secured recognition from several universities abroad and now they have access to university education as much as, if not more than, the disadvantaged others. Scholarships and funding from the rich Chinese are available to Chinese sudents....
The Chinese, as a community, have a lot of money and they control the economy. Their system of mutual help through the traditional and exclusive clan associations and business guilds means that bright Chinese pupils can always get help from fellow Chinese. Such is not the case of the disadvantaged others who have to depend on government scholarships and places in local universities.
Yet 50 of those with UEC got scholarships totalling RM2.25 million from 1Malaysia Dev Bhd...."
Defective Argument of Supremacy
"The term Ketuanan Melayu was widely thrown around during Tun Dol's regime without appropriate understanding. Guess who used it then? Yes, Khairy himself."
About FDI and Ringgit Trading"The present financial crisis in the world is due to the abuse of regulations in the financial market. No positive steps have been taken so far to regulate it. Certainly currency trading remains unregulated and selective.
Whereas Germany's 4 trillion dollars yearly output creates millions of jobs, businesses big and small and much trade, the 4 trillion a day currency trade creates practically no jobs, businesses or trade. Of course the currency traders make tons of money. In the process we know that they can cause a repeat of the crisis faced by the world when they lose. Why should the world allow such greedy people to put the world at risk."
(Taking an early holiday break... see you after Raya..!!!)
- Malaysian Govt - A Laughing Stock : Hasan Skodeng in AFP, Canadian Press, CPJ Press, Indonesian
"...No one asked what prompted Siti Inshah Mansor to say what she said. No one is interested because they are more interested to drive home the point, a Malay is naturally inclined to racism. The non Malays are always victims of racism..."
Read also, "Low Life Pariah and Filthy Pigs Of The Worst Kind?" by VOICES AROUND
Dari china namewee hinggalah Demo Indon - Kerajaan Yang Amat Pasif Yang Gilakan Sekolah Vernakular
"...Kerajaan juga harus menyemai dan memastikan semangat PATROTISME rakyat terhadap negara sentiasa OPTIMUM.. Seharusnya pada usia negara meningkat 53 tahun, TIDAK wujud lagi MALAUN-MALAUN macam Namewee, anak perempuan Penasihat PKR dan jugak PESALAH POLITIK WANG yang tidak mempunyai semangat CINTAkan negara..."
Sistem Didikan Generasi Kini
",,,Pak Sedaro fikir tibo masonya, untuk diorientasi anak-anak yang lahir selepas tahun 1990an. Hari ini, 85% daripada mereka "buta" Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Nurrul Izzah binti Anwar Ibrahim ialah sampel kajian yang baik.."
"...Ethnic diversity is not a threat to national unity, provided children of different races and religions grow up together under a single national education system that discriminates against no one. By having different sets of schools for different ethnic groups, we are in actuality polarising the education process..."
Read also about 'Access To Education' at VOICES AROUND
- Belum habis-habis lagi dok minta maaf? - HOUSE PK
DS Najib's NEM is infact a lethal dose which finally will kill the Malays as pointed out by Hidup Tuah! Datuk Ibrahim Ali of Pribumi Perkasa had said it to DS Najib's face, "Melayu Sudah Tolak MEB". Does DS Najib still want to maintain his apologetic stance and finally become the enemy of the Malays and Bumiputera? Did DS Najib ever learn?
- Fitnah PAS - RBF : Update
"...a Chinese is not capable of being a racist while the government, because its controlled by Malays, is forever to be condemned as racist.
If this government does anything to non Malays, it can be considered racist. When 2 Malay teenagers were caught burning a church in Cheras, the government gave money and the teenagers were sent to jail for years.
When some Chinese boys desecrated a surau in Negeri Sembilan the parents of these boys asked for forgiveness and the matter was forgotten.
When the rapper who claims he is an embodiment of 1 Malaysia (hear this Ahmad Maslan!) appeared in another you tube flick 'doin his f*****g thang ' complete with vulgar words and lewd gesticulations, 'rights' groups quickly came to his defence..."
- Hasan Skodeng : Voices By Bloggers - ROCKY'S BRU and MORE from HOUSE PK
"...Somehow the persons in the Attorney General’s Chambers are unable to differentiate between a joke and something serious which is criminally defamatory, seditious or event a threat to national security..."
Read also, "Shocking! In Malaysia, Laughter Is The Lastest Crime!" by ROCKY'S BRU
and, "TNB Tidak Tahu Membezakan Yang Mana Betul dan Yang Mana Salah", by HOUSE PK
and, "When Satire is crime, comedians beware" by MARAHKU
and, "Are Brit-educated Che Khalib & AG & MCMC offices too 'bodoh' & insular to understand satire? " by A VOICE
and, "TNB Sue A Melayu But Did Nothing To namewee" by A VOICE
and, "When a funny article deemed not funny by TNB" by JEBAT MUST DIE
and, "In Malaysia "Laughter Is Not The Best Medicine" by HANTULAUT
and, "Hassan Skodeng vs TNB PJ Sessions Court Case" by MAHAGURU58
and,"Its tough being a blogger" by CAN YOU SEE IT?
Only In Malaysia, Mind You! And Angelia Sinyang Has Some Questions To Ask! and, "When Satire is crime, comedians beware" by MARAHKU
and, "Are Brit-educated Che Khalib & AG & MCMC offices too 'bodoh' & insular to understand satire? " by A VOICE
and, "TNB Sue A Melayu But Did Nothing To namewee" by A VOICE
and, "When a funny article deemed not funny by TNB" by JEBAT MUST DIE
and, "In Malaysia "Laughter Is Not The Best Medicine" by HANTULAUT
and, "Hassan Skodeng vs TNB PJ Sessions Court Case" by MAHAGURU58
and,"Its tough being a blogger" by CAN YOU SEE IT?
"...The Chinese despise Malaysia , Malays, our Kings, our language and everything, so why the hell don’t they go back to China ? It is just natural for the Principle to tell their kids to go back to China , where their hearts and souls belong.
- Only in Malaysia , we see people go crazy, stomping their feet, insisting that they are Malaysians but at the same time don’t want anything to do with Malaysia .
- Only in Malaysia , we see people who insist that they are Malaysians but couldn’t even speak Bahasa Malaysia .
- Only in Malaysia , we see people who want to be treated equally as the original settlers but cunningly try to re-write the Malaysian’s history and constitution.
- Only in Malaysia , we see people who claim to be Malaysians but cannot even sing the National Anthem!
- Only in Malaysia , we see people who fight for equality but insist on going to vernacular schools.
- No other multi-racial country in the world would tolerate vernacular schools except Malaysia .
- No other multi-racial country in the world would give equal privilege, rights or acknowledgment on the importance of other culture and language to be taught and nurtured among the youngsters.
- Only in Malaysia we see minority own 81% of the economic cake and it is still ain’t enough.
- Only Malaysian Chinese would ask for Namewee to be forgiven and look up upon the person and even set up a fan club.
- And only Malaysia , would forgive someone like Namewee.
Angelia Sinyang @ PRIBUMI PERKASA
Adakah hanya Ibrahim seorang yang tidak faham konsep 1-Malaysia? Ataupun, Ahmad Maslan masih belum bangkit dari tidor?
"...the government was too lazy to make a comprehensive study about the real situation of the bumis when formulating the NEM. They had blindly thought we are trapped in a middle income when all this while the nation’s per capita income was not stagnating but was steadily increasing year after year..."