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Lee Kuan Yew Acknowledge Singapore Malay Special Position
Dari Kacamata Melayu
Read also from OutSyed The Box
Read also from OutSyed The Box
The Bloody Racist Chinese that Live Here
Hidup Tuah !
DAP's Strategy - Tian Chua, PKR Strategy Director
Di antara Legasi Bapa (DEB) dan Anak Yang Nak Berlegasi(?) (NEM)
DS Nazir @GemasIndah
Read Also "The Economy Policy Poll"
Read Also "The Economy Policy Poll"
Alahai Tentera Cyberspace UMNO
CSI Melayu
The Bai'ah - PAS Adun & his Wife/Wives and DAP Adun & his 5m Money
Prime Ministering by Total Reliance On Advisors
A Voice
Nak Menang PRU ke Tidak? Change All or Lose
Aspan Alias
DAP and Chinese Extremism
The Glamorous "No Fund For Education, New Parliament and What Nots" Badut
Mahathir Mohamad Blogspot
(click the badut's image to read from CSI Melayu)
And how did Azmi Sharom become a lecturer? - The Unspinners
A Wasted Life
OutSyed The Box
Demi Negara - Adakah Pemimpin Negara Tidak Faham Bahasa?
"..Adakah wajar Bahasa Melayu selaku bahasa kebangsaan diajar hanya tiga kali seminggu dengan silibus yang begitu mudah berbanding silibus sekolah kebangsaan? Sebarang penambahan waktu pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu dan penyeragaman silibus dianggap sebagai beban dan menggugat kedudukan bahasa ibunda.
Apatah lagi matapelajaran sejarah 'Malaysia Negaraku' yang mahu dijadikan subjek di setiap sekolah bagi melahirkan semangat patriotisme dan jati diri. Subjek ini juga turut ditolak mentah-mentah di sekolah jenis kebangsaan kecuali jika ia diajar dalam bahasa ibunda. Sedangkan kita tahu pendidikan berteraskan sejarah adalah soal masa depan negara..."
Ridhuan Tee
The Real Enemy of Malaysians
- Today, DAP’s Christian mouthpieces, Thomas Lee prominent among them, have tried to whitewash Christianity’s role – Gerakan and David Tan by extension – by lying about the events preceding the May 13 mass murders.
Apologist Tahap Bogek - Lantak Kau lah Jang!
Komunis Berkeliaran dan Menteri Tidor Menghancurkan Negara
Tukang Dok Peghati
Najib Yang 72% Popular
Professor Madya Kitol Mandeliar
Che Det
Chief Lobbyist & The Government of Con-Sultans
A Voice
Who Is Our Chief Lobbyist?
Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin
"...hari tu bukan main kerajaan suruh rakyat berjimat cermat kerana katanya ekonomi sekarang tak berapa bagus dan juga negara dah tak banyak duit. Yang bestnya...punyalah nak tunjuk kata negara takdak duit, sampai subsidi pun diancam akan ditarik balik.Tapi bila bab projek-projek mega macam ni, banyak pulak duit kerajaan yee..."
CSI Melayu
Antara Modal Insan dan Projek "Ber-biliun biliun"
Melayu Adalah Kaum Minoriti Di Negara Ini
Che Det
Yet Another One Being Gosipped
Silterra - Lagi Satu Skandal Yang Di Tutup Mata?
House PK
Projek TUDM Sg. Besi - Skandal Seterusnya?
"...PG malas nak tambah apa-apa tentang hujah YB dato Mahfuz ini. Itu lah yang PG nak terangkan sejak Pengkalan Sg Besi dicadang nak di bangunkan. Cuma sempat si Mahfuz dulu yang keluarkan hujahnya. Tahniah Dato Mahfuz atas pandangan ini.
Cuma PG nak tambah satu aje : PG perhatikan , 1 bangunan dan 3 hangar baru bagi unit udara polis baru aje dibangunkan dan baru siap dalam bulan lepas. Kosnya dengar kata hampir RM 200 juta. Jika dibangunkan, buat membazir aje semua itu..."
Penghuni Gua
Dumb & Stupid Liberals?
"...The best part, the Chinese who are not satisfied with the Malay privileges do not talk about Chinese schools to be terminated.
They are okay about it. They even defended and supported for Chinese privileges to be maintain while Malay privileges should be abolished as it is considered backdated..."
The Unspinners
The 10th Malaysian Plan (Feel good speech to "correct" NEM, bungled by NEAC)
Sakmomgkol AK47
Wonder Why Non-Technical Man Was Choosen To Head TNB? TM? etc.. Financial Wizardry?
A Voice
Revisit Our Education Policy says Kempen SSS. Don't politicised it - You've got ears, gomen?
"...There are many highly intelligent children from poor families who are just unfortunate to not be able to pursue tertiary education because their parents can't afford to finance further education for them.These tangible assets go to waste because the government failed in its duty.
Human success depend on the ability to adapt, to invent and education is the indispensable factor that can bring progress to humanity..."
Model Ekonomi Baru - Yang Menuntut Kesamarataan
"...Sekiranya kaum Cina benar-benar jujur, ikhlas dan mengamalkan sikap bertolak ansur ke arah merealisasikan 1Malaysia yang bersatu padu, maka orang Cina seperti En. Tan bukan sahaja mahukan sektor awam dibuka lebih luas lagi kepada BB bahkan turut menyarankan supaya sektor swasta juga dibuka lebih luas lagi kepada Bumi..."
Hidup Tuah!
Model Ekonomi Baru
"...Alangkah terkejutnya kami ialah jawapan dari pihak pengusaha franchise tersebut adalah "KAMI TIDAK BERI PELUANG INI KEPADA ORANG MELAYU ISLAM UNTUK BERNIAGA.
Walhal yang memenuhkan tempat dan saling berkunjung untuk makam minum di cafe ini rata rata kami lihat adalah orang Melayu Islam kita..."
Forum Carigold @The Unspinners
The loser at the feet of the Unshakeable
Che Det
1Bahasa, 1Negara, 1Bangsa versus PM's 1Rojak
Ridhuan Tee
An Answer to satD's question : Can we leave our fate in the hands of the Govt? PM, con-sultan, kroni, Permata Pintar
OutSyed The Box
New Scandal? More Burden For Rakyat?
OutSyed The Box
Melayu Kena Sumpah? Sesumpah Melayu? atau SUMPAH MELAYU!
Pure Shiite
Read also from Rocky's Bru
Read also from Rocky's Bru
Ibrahim Ali & Pribumi Perkasa - Suara dan Pejuang Orang Melayu Masa Kini
A Voice
Kenapa NEM ditolak bulat-bulat
"...MPM never expected to be attacked by its own race. Its core business is to unite the Malays because MPM has long realised that our people have been fighting with each other far too long until we are decomposed and weak. In actual fact, we are digging our own graves. The non-Malays are laughing at us.
The highly probable outcome is analogous to the result of a surgical operation: the operation (NEM) succeeded but the patient (Malays) died!..."
Hidup Tuah!
Karpal Singh's and the Defence's Strategy
The Unspinners
Melayu Liberal - Si Tanggang Zaman Ini
"...Melayu atau separa Melayu (lahir dari perkahwinan campur) yang merasakan diri mereka lebih baik dari Melayu lain kerana memegang jawatan tinggi di sektor swasta, korporat atau syarikat milik kerajaan. Mereka menganggap Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa pertama dan merasa megah kerana tidak fasih berbahasa kebangsaan.
Mereka jarang sekali dan akan mengelak untuk bergaul dengan Melayu ‘biasa’ (Perkasa). Mereka juga merasa bangga kerana tidak arif berkenaan budaya dan tradisi Melayu. Melayu liberal ini seringkali hanya bergaul dengan bangsa Cina, India, Mat Salleh dan Melayu liberal seperti mereka sahaja..."
Perangai Pembangkang
Putera Merdeka
Kaduk Sudah Naik Junjung - RBF
Kaduk Sudah Naik Junjung - RBF
Of NEM and Liberal Malays
"...It is sad that the government is punishing the common people now and yet at the same time, continue giving the rich avenues to get richer. What are the avenues for the common people to get richer now?
Liberal Malays urged the government to abolish subsidies because they are ashamed to have subsidy mentality. They can afford to have this sentiment because the absence of subsidies for fuel, sugar etc will have no effect on them. But, the abolishment of subsidies will severely impact the non-liberals; the average malay getting less than RM3,000 a month..."
Jebat Must Die
Bebaskan Malaysia !
Anwar and Yahudi
Analisa Kumbang
NEM, Betting License, Submarine Maintenance Contract, what else not finalized? PKFZ? Forgot already?
Pure Shiite
Remember PKFZ ?
Che Det
Model Ekonomi Baru Sebuah Alat Menjajah Bumiputera?
Hidup Tuah!
Bahana Memberi Makanan & Menyuap Biawak
"...Kerajaan Melayu UMNO ini tidak pernah pulak memikir dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk membangunkan Melayu dan Bumiputera menjadi taikun-taikun perniagaan terutama perniagaan barangan penting dan utama dalam setiap yang bernyawa didalam negara..."
Putra Merdeka
and War Against Cartel, Extortionist & Looters BY MAT CENDANA
BN Sudah Bersediakah Utk Jadi Pembangkang?MUST READ - SAMSENG EKONOMI BY PISAU.NET
and War Against Cartel, Extortionist & Looters BY MAT CENDANA
"...Cari seorang pemimpin Melayu yang berpengalaman dan berkemampuan untuk kembali memulakan rundingan yang baru dikalangan pemimpin semua kaum dan melakukan ‘constructive reconstruction’ yang berlandaskan kepada persetujuan semua pihak.
Selalunya yang boleh membantu usaha memperbaikki keadaan dalam UMNO ialah dari peranan pemudanya. Tetapi bersetuju kah atau tidak yang Pemuda UMNO pada hari ini boleh diibaratkan sebagai kumpulan pemuda 'mati pucuk' dan tidak lagi mempunyai 'consequence' dalam masyarakat..."
Aspan Alias
Rekod Anak Menantu Di Era Pak Mentua
RMF7 - Demi Agama, Bangsa & Negara
Alahai Petronas
A Piece of My Mind
Alahai Kerajaan Najib
Read Also from Penarik Beca
Read Also from Penarik Beca
The Stories of Jews
Voices Around
Nak Ada Penerimaan? Nak Bertoleransi? Dah Faham Bahasa Ke Belum? 1-Malay....errrr??
Voices Around
Can You See Yet Another One from Them?
Can You See It?
Tak Habis-Habis Dengan Spin Politik Putar Alam
Pengundi-Pengundi Selangor Makan Pasir
Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa - Bangsa Jangan Bangsat
Kempen SSS
Dari Dulu hingga Kini Adalah Hasil DEB, Bukannya Kerana MEB Yang Masih Di Tahap "Pengumuman".
Buat Mahasiswa (Terutama sekali Yang Menjadi Harapan Ayah, Bonda dan Keluarga)
The Butcher And His Scare Tactics
SPRM Ni Dah Berbangsa Apa? Bangsat? Thanks To Bapak Vernakular!
Macam-Macam Ada - Dari Sime Darby kepada Taek Jho Low, dan M'sia Akan Bankrup 2019?
Pengkhianat Bangsa
A Leader Who Follows (Not Lead)
To Build A Nation, Build A School - Certainly Not Najib's Type of School
Yang Buat Duit Berguni Pun Di Beri Subsidi - Kenapa Kerajaan Dok Target Rakyat Jelata? "...Subsidies to money making businesses such as AirAsia should stop, at the expense of the Malaysian rakyat and detriment to the His Majesty’s Treasury. Subsidy is meant to alleviate the charge or reduce burden of the rakyat, for social development purposes..."
Buat Mahasiswa (Terutama sekali Yang Menjadi Harapan Ayah, Bonda dan Keluarga)
House PK
Perihal Tuntutan Samarata - Fair & SquareThe Scribe A Kadir Jasin
Demi Negara - Jangan Melayu Buta SejarahMistisFiles
Yang Di Gelar Sebagai Seorang PemimpinSanusi Junid
Salam Perpisahan Buat PusakaAyahnda
A Voice
A Vote Of No ConfidenceAspan Alias
Kekejaman SEEKOR MANUSIA yang bertuhankan DUIT
SPRM Ni Dah Berbangsa Apa? Bangsat? Thanks To Bapak Vernakular!
Cucu Tok Selampit
Will You, The Govt, Sing Us More Promises and Empty Lyrics Please !!!A Piece of My Mind
Macam-Macam Ada - Dari Sime Darby kepada Taek Jho Low, dan M'sia Akan Bankrup 2019?
Rocky's Bru
Whom Do you Worship? (Click Here)RAPERA
Che Det, Nuraina, A Voice, House PK, OpEd, A Kadir Jasin, Mahaguru58, GAP, M.I.M, PilihanAnda, Tunku, Anilnetto, HarakahDaily, MalaysiaKini, Neutral Daily, Rocky's Bru, OutSyed The Box, BigDog, Penarik Beca
Pengkhianat Bangsa
Jebat Must Die
To Build A Nation, Build A School - Certainly Not Najib's Type of School
"...If only our puny government realises that education could shape an entire generation, they would’ve taken some drastic actions since the formation of Malaysia. Hence, to shape a generation whereby all races could be united under one roof, it all starts with education. Isn’t it surprising how we then wonder why races in Malaysia aren’t united?
The mere existence of vernacular schools distorts the fabric of our society. Just picture, Ah Meng is taught to mingle with his Chinese friends in the Chinese PRIMARY school which he attends. He eats Chinese food and speaks Mandarin in school. He is sheltered from the reality that there are Malays, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, etc living amongst us in Malaysia.
I’ve heard parents say: “Malay teachers in national schools are lazy”. I say, go to hell! It is not about a matter of race! Don’t be fucking racist. It is about the excessive workload that is piled on teachers by the Pusat Pelajaran Daerah (PPD), Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) and the like. They are overburdened and yet they could still teach. You call that lazy? - UNCLE S ..."
Kempen SSS
- MCA Youth calls NEM rejection ‘primitive’ ~ Malaysian Insider - OnDaStreet
- Bekas Diplomat Israel Kata Anwar Dipecat Kerana Menyebelahi Yahudi - Analisa Kumbang
- Ibrahim Ali is bigger than UMNO - Sakmongkol AK47
- Subsidies and bankruptcy – What are our prospects? - Jebat Must Die
- 9-month old company gives total of 6-month bonus to staff - MarahKu
- BN semakin meruncing -UMNO Reform 2
- Jom Kita Menyusahkan Manusia : Dato Najib Wake Up - OutSyed The Box
- Making curry out of scandal-laden Melayu Liberal - A Voice
- Subsidies : “the time has come” - OutSyed The Box
- 15 DalilNik Aziz Tidak Layak Jadi Mursyidul Am : Bhg 1, Bhg 2, Bhg 3 - The Unspinners
- PKR Merancang Musnahkan Selangor- RBF
- Bila Melayu pula nak bersatu??? - Oh Politik
- The truth about a this PKR Media Coordinator.... - Can You See It?
- Negara Islam ... pembohongan besar PAS, Beranikah PAS hantar bantuan ke Gaza? - The Unspinners
- Do I have to Translate it dear MORONS? - Pelantaq Hujah
- Survival poltitik masyarakat Cina di Malaysia - Neutral Daily
- Cost Of Living Shooting Up - OutSyed The Box
- Perkasa minta PM campur tangan - Pribumi Perkasa
- Mahathir in Sri Lanka - Mahathir Mohammed
- Sorry Babe! Ain't Got No Money For The Kids Education - Hantulaut
- PM's new nickname : Najib TPM - Aspan Alias
- 10MP: A plan of the rich, by the rich and for the rich? - Sakmongkol AK47
- DAP KUAT? KEH KEH KEH !!! - Penghuni Gua
- Tun Musa Hitam : Be Gone - OutSyed The Box
- DAP Gone Mad - Hantulaut
- Retail License : Common Sense Prevails - OutSyed The Box
- Nak menang ka PRU? Wujudkah lagi UMNO Kedah? - Veteran UMNO Sg Tiang @The Unspinners
- SPRM Dipersoalkan? - UMNO Reform 2