Merdekakan Sistem Pendidikan Negara Dari Ciri-Ciri Anti-Nasional
"...Kalaulah bahasa penghantar sudahpun mengagungkan bahasa Negara Cina Komunis, apa lagi aspek-aspek lain dalam pendidikan sekolah vernakular tersebut? Setidak-tidaknya, mereka membelakangi penggunaaan Bahasa Kebangsaan yang sedia termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Akta Bahasa. Ini boleh dikategorikan sebagai bersifat anti-nasional..."
Tg Pagar : Did A Certain Someone Lose The Plot?
"...The basic agreements struck by Najib Razak and Lee Hsien Loong were, in fact, the basic agreements already reached by the two governments in the 1990 deal..."
Read Also "LKY Snookers Najib Again" by OUTSYED THE BOX
Why Racist - "...It is racial beause he (MCA's president) was advocating taking away the protection afforded by the NEP and quotas from the bumiputras and not from any other race...."
The Logic - "...As much as giving protection to one race is racial, taking it away from that race so as to benefit another race must also be racial. The suggestion coming as it did from a racially exclusive economic congress must be because it is in the interest of that race. That must be racial even though the demand is for meritocracy..."
Racist's Strategy To Deny Higher Education To The Malays & Bumiputera - "...In education whereas there is about 60% bumiputera in the Government universities, there are less than 10% in the private universities. And there are more private universities, university colleges and colleges than there are public (Government) universities. Even the 10% bumiputera are there because of scholarships by MARA. Take the scholarships away and there would be practically none.
Why is it that the focus is only on what is done by the Government? If the bumiputera in Government universities should be reduced, then the bumiputera in the private universities should be increased. Or else meritocracy would reduce the number of bumiputeras getting university education. Or is it the intention to deny bumiputeras higher education? ..."
How Higher Education Was Afforded To The RACISTS By Govt's Policy - "...Government decided to allow for private colleges and universities to be set up. They can twin with recognised foreign universities and should issue their diplomas and degrees. The reason for allowing private institutions of higher learning is to reduce cost of tertiary education so that the parents who could not afford to send their children abroad can have access to foreign qualification from local private institutions. You can guess who are the beneficiaries of this Government policy..."
On Govt's Contracts : Actually, RACISTS Were The Ones Who Gained - "...even with the 5% advantage given to bumiputera contractors, many of the Government contracts do not go to them because of their lack of capacity. Even if they do get, non-bumiputera contractors get most of the sub-contracts etc.
Actually construction by the private sector is bigger than the public sector. In the private sector the bumiputera contractors get next to nothing..."
Najib's 'Yet To Be Finalised' MEB Versus 'The Already Dumped' NEP - "...Take away the minor protection afforded by the NEP and the bumiputera will lose whatever that they may have. Then racial division will be deepened by wealth division. I don't think this would be good for the country. Remember it was the disparity between rich and poor in Europe which led to the violence of the Communist revolution..."
LEBAI ISLAM? (Tukang Dok Peghati @House PK)
Will the REAL Anak Bangsa Malaysia stand up, please?! (Rocky's Bru)
Menuntut Hak Kaum Tidak Semestinya Racist
Hipokrit Politaik - Ada yg nampak Perkasa saja tetapi buat2 buta dgn Dong Zong & Hindraf.. itu hipokrit politaik perkauman namanya (Affendi Hussain)
Kenapa Pas jadi Kuda Tungangan? - Walaupun Pas telah wujud sebelum merdeka, tetapi Pas adalah baru/mentah dalam isu perkongsian kuasa dengan bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam
Strategi politik cina - MCA dan DAP tidak akan bergabung kerana komponen MCA akan pupus jika bergabung dengan DAP. Lagipun kewujudan dua parti Cina -- sebuah di pihak BN dan sebuah di pihak PR -- jelas menguntungkan masyarakat Cina. Permainan wayang antara MCA dan DAP memaksa Kerajaan BN dan kerajaan-kerajaan negeri PR melestarikan (mempertahankan) hak kaum Cina.
Melayu penakut, singkat otak dan liberal - Mengenai fokus kepada Perkasa tetapi lupa kepada Dong Zong dan Hindraf, ia adalah petanda kepada sikap apologetik sesetengah pemimpin Melayu yang penakut dan cetek pemikiran. Mereka termakan hujah bahawa sesiapa saja yang mempertahankan hak Melayu adalah “racist” manakala kaum-kaum lain yang mempertahankan hak mereka, itu dianggap hak asasi mereka -- Kesimpulannya bila Melayu pertahan atau tuntut hak, dia adalah rasis, tetapi seorang Cina atau India yang pertahan atau tuntut hak bagi kaumnya, tindakannya itu bukan rasis tetapi sah (legitimate)
DEB Lambang Keunggulan Melayu Yang Semakin DiLunturkan Oleh Pimpinan Lemah Najib
"...Bila orang Melayu lihat kalimah Alllah sudah boleh di kompromi, bila orang Melayu lihat pelbagai konsesi di beri kepada bukan Melayu, bila orang Melayu melihat pimpinan politik Melayu sudah meminta sedekah ehsan dari bukan Melayu - kesemua nya ini menandakan KETERUNGGULAN bangsa Melayu sudah kian luntur. Ia terjadi demikian, pada sebahagian besar punca nya ialah kerana pimpinan Melayu sudah lemah.
DEB bukan lagi lambang kegagalan suatu model ekonomi- bahkan ianya sudah jadi lambang kepada kehakisan Keterunggulan bangsa Melayu..."
Wahai Pendatang! Kenapa Kau Marah Sangat Di Label Sebagai Pendatang? Sememangnya Kau Bersifat Pendatang - FULL STOP!
"..Diaorang duduk je kat sini tapi hati kat kampung nenek moyang diaorang, nak ada semangat nasionalisma macamana ! Sekali sekali masa pergi kedai cd cuba tengok banyak mana koleksi cd penyanyi HongKong atau China berbanding tempatan, tak pun koleksi vcd drama2 dari HongKong / China .... Gi gak kedai buku jenis yang pakai sewa, tak silap 90% stok adalah buku2 drama bersambung dari Hong Kong / China. Nak ada connection apanya dengan Tanah Melayu !
Semangat patriotik ? Their sense of belonging kalau ada pun sebab harta benda mereka ada sini. Cuba segala rumah, tanah, syarikat, saham boleh ditukar dalam bentuk yang boleh disimpan dalam beg dan dibawa bersama. Kalau dengar je ancaman terhadap negara, diorang dulu dah cabut ngan beg2 harta mereka ! Tanpa sense of belonging tu, takkan ada semangat patriotik..."
This Is Their Hidden, Actual Agenda - ATTACK THE MALAYS!!
"...See how fast these parasites embrace a Malay who condemns the NEP? Where were these people all this while when Nazir was busy making fat profits for CIMB? Why no call to make him finance minister then? But the moment he said, "I have strong opinions about how the NEP has been bastardised over the years" and "... every time I mention the NEP, I get blasted," these scums joyously elevated him to saintly status, the Melayu Godchild who will front their crusade to dismantle the NEP and other constitutional privileges of the Melayu Tuan Tanahs.."
1Malaysia DS Najib adalah Bangsa Rojak Dengan Pelbagai Bahasa
"... the longer we deceive ourselves with this multiracial fantasy, the harder it takes to build a cohesive, unified nation ... We Malaysians have lived in this fairytale for too long, and this blissful fantasy is now crumbling under the very weight of its own ludicrousness ..."
Rancangan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Menepikan Raja-Raja Melayu dan Mengubah Perlembagaan Persekutuaan
"...Target mereka untuk menggugurkan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa Kebangsaan, Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan, kedaulatan Raja2 Melayu, Hak keistimewaan Bumiputera/Melayu dll dari Perlembagaan.
Kenapa tidak gugurkan kerakyatan mereka? Pasal sebelum mereka dianugerah kerakyatan, undi Melayu 80% di Semenanjung!..."
Can We Expect "Fake" Malaysians To Respect The Federal Constitutions?
"...If everybody respects the Constitution and lives by it fully, there will be much less problems in the country. There will be not much antagonism and hate, racist comments, slurs and outright condemnation of the acts and utterances of various individuals and groups. No loud calls for respect for Bahasa Malaysia, the Malay Special Position, the questioning of the Bumiputera rights and privileges and the reciprocal questioning of the right to citizenship of those who do it. The racial divide would not be as wide as it is today..."
"...Ketidak mampuan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO untuk mengambil hati orang lain membuatkan kita bertambah tertekan. Kalau kita ikut kehendak Khairy kita juga lah yang terpaksa berkorban. Orang Melayu sahaja yang perlu menyerahkan segala apa yang masih ada sikit-sikit ini kepada bangsa lain. Takut-takut suatu hari nanti Pergerakkan Pemuda akan meminta orang Melayu menyerahkan ‘batu pelir’ kita kepada orang lain asalkan sahaja orang lain itu memberikan sokongan kepada kepimpinan kita yang lemah..."
"Sketsa Di Sebuah Rumah Di Perkampungan Melayu" - VOICES AROUND
"Sketsa Di Sebuah Rumah Di Perkampungan Melayu" - VOICES AROUND
Kanari : NorYakcop and Istana Contract?
"...Genuine contractor just doesn't get direct nego contracts like this unless they know somebody. And the name Kanari rasies more suspicion. Wouldn't Nor Yakcop not be interested to have a piece of the pie in the inflated Istana's contract?..."
"...the government was too lazy to make a comprehensive study about the real situation of the bumis when formulating the NEM. They had blindly thought we are trapped in a middle income when all this while the nation’s per capita income was not stagnating but was steadily increasing year after year..."
"...Puteri UMNO mendesak kerajaan bertindak tegas terhadap seorang pemuda dari Muar Johor, Wee Meng Cheng atau dikenali sebagai Namewee kerana mengulangi perbuatan yang dianggap biadab, kali ini dengan menerbitkan klip video yang boleh menyemarakkan api perkauman..."
"...Tahu minta sahaja. Syarat untuk dapatkannya tak mahu ikut. Dah kotai duduk kat negara ini masih ramai yang tak tahu berbahasa Melayu. Bukan setakat itu sahaja, ketaatan kepada Raja-raja Melayu tidak pernah nampak. Taat kepada negara dan undang-undang jauh sekali. Semuanya main langgar aje, asalkan untung. Malah kalau boleh semua yang berkaitan dengan hak keistimewaan orang Melayu mahu dinyahkan daripada cara hidup rakyat Malaysia. Macam tu nak diberikan warganegara?..."
PANEH MIANG"...Apokah mereka ini (Ratu Inggeris) yang memberi persetujuan agar Tanah Melayu merdeka, dan iktiraf bahawa Melayu itu Bangsa Teras, Raja Melayu itu pemegang kunci perlembagaan dan Agama Islam sebagai Agama Utama Persekutuan, masih tidak boleh memberi makna kepada kaum-kaum imigran Negara China dan India?
Kalian masih ramai tidak mengerti bicara dalam Bahasa Melayu, pun diberikan anugerah persekutuan bergelar Tun dan Tan Sri! Kalian hari ini, menuntut pula sekitar 25 ribu, tapi mengikut bidikan Pak Sedaro ado 100 ribu manusia dalam Malaysia yang masih pakai Kad Pengenalan Merah ini.
"...Nothing else has done more to divide the country than Anwar Ibrahim's ambition to absolve himself and seek the highest political office at a high cost to the people and nation..."
"...Dalam tulisannya di Sin Chew keluaran 20 Ogos, Ting Hian berkata "bagi orang yang berfikiran bebas, bendera itu bukan sahaja secebis kain malah lukisan padanya juga tidak nampak berinovasi,".."
Penghuni Gua
"..laporan sebuah akhbar hari ini tentang kenyataan Khairy dalam sebuah forum bahawa beliau akan meninggalkan UMNO sekiranya sebahagian besar daripada ahli parti itu menyokong Perkasa..."
Pribumi Perkasa
Apa makna POLITIK PAS? Ketahuinya dari PANEH MIANG
Mat Tunda Kes Beraksi Lagi !!
"...Yes folks, strike out the sodomy charges because the person whom it was alleged to be sexually assaulted by him had an affair with a nobody two years after the incident.."
But why not Karpal Singh just put Nurul Izzah and Wan Azizah in the stand since both women claimed that they were at the condominium with Anwar Ibrahim at the time the sodomy was alleged to have happened?
Jebat Must Die
Read also "Anwar Ibrahim Has Been Found Guilty!" by Voices Around
From The Unspinners
- Sejarah Yang diputarbelitkan - Spin pengkaji PAP: Tanah Melayu dulu Barr Chin (Tanah China)
- Tikus Mondok yg Menerajui Kerajaan Kini - Tak habis2 hati Melayu disakitkan
- Transformasi Malaysia Kepada Sebuah Negara Komunis - Lim dynasty's sacrificed and sacred lembu
Read Also Pemimpin Kerajaan Kini Yang Lembik by Tukang Dok Peghati
Hebat Melayu Islam PAS - Cucu Tok Selampit
KD Rahman Submerges, Traitors Surface
Read about the Country's Defense and Traitors at OutSyed The Box, GAP, Rocky's Bru, BigDog, M.I.M and MahaGuru58
Kelantan's Dinar - History of Cheque, "Chak", "Sakk", and "Al-Cheque"?
"...And on the other side of the dinar and the dirham, they have put arabic holy writing (you can see part of it on the yellow gold coin). What if someone takes the gold dinar in his pocket to the toilet? Tidak menghina "Islam" ke...
Kalau orang lain buat depa marah pula - menyalak macam anjing kena rabies. Tapi bila depa buat - ok pula. Will continue..."
OutSyed The Box
Racists Versus Racists
"... Today we see a lot of Malay NGOs trying to defend the Malay position. Invariably they have been labelled racists. The unfortunate truth is that those who labelled them are equally racists because of their advocacy of meritocracy...
Che Det
Malay groups want vernacular schools abolished "...single stream schooling - There’s no two-ways about the need for it. The Government has to act fast. There is a strong need to maintain the peace and harmony we have in the country now..."
Tun M : Melayu perlu bersatu atau hilang kuasa politik "..walaupun jumlah umat Islam di negara ini ramai, tidak mustahil Islam akan kehilangan tempatnya sebagai agama rasmi sekiranya sikap berpecah-belah masih diteruskan.."
Pribumi Perkasa
Pok Nik Dan Lebai-Lebai PAS
Tukang Dok Peghati @House PK
Read Also "Hudud - Fuckatan Riot Membelit Sesama Sendiri" by Dimensi
A Tribute to Justice Abdul Hamid, A True Malay Champion
Pure Shiite
Read Also, "Bastardest! Hush Up Will You?" by Voices Around
and "DEB - Dasar Ekonomi Bastard" by Ideotique
Datuk! Hentikanlah Memberi Amaran!
Mesin Taip Buruk
Voters Beware !!!
HA! HA! "Yesterday We Were Campaigning, TODAY YOU VOTED" - Voices Around
Cabaran Buat Kerajaan Malaysia dan Anak Peguam Hindraf Memutarbelit Cerita Sebenar Dalam Laporan Polis
Paneh Miang
Read Also from RBF
Oh Politik!
Read Also from BUMIYANG
Ineptitude in UMNO's Leadership Will Pave The Way For Mandarin/Tamil PR's Government
OutSyed The Box
Read also "PR Mahu Jadikan Mandarin & Tamil Bahasa Rasmi" by BigDog
Security Threats Now & Then - ISA anyone?
World's 37th and Asia's 4th
Rocky's Bru
Fire Starters and The Malays
Tukang Dok Peghati
Images below taken from GAP

Nurul Izzah, Hindraf and Hishamuddin
Mahaguru 58
ISA and Thanking the PDRM, Successful Singapore and The Dunggus
Terrorism in Bangsar is up one notch? ISA anyone?
Why Singapore is so successful and why PAS is so dunggu
OutSyed The Box
MCA - A Failure, No Longer Relevant and In Desperation. DSH? Amat Memalukan!
Hidup Tuah!
Read Also "Chinese Going BAck To China?" and "Tips To Keeping MCA Relevant" by WTMK
Kononnya Warga Malaysia, Bukan Pendatang
"...tetapi kita tak nampak syarikat-syarikat yang dimilikki oleh TAIKUN-TAIKUN kaum tertentu turut sama melibatkan diri atau sekurang-kurangnya mengibarkan JALUR GEMILANG di PREMIS milik mereka...
Atau mungkin mereka ini masih diRASUKki semangat Genghis Khan yang hanya berMINAT meRAMPAS sesebuah negara tetapi enggan menghargai negara tersebut? Kalau semangat CINTAkan NEGARA pun GAGAL mereka TONJOLkan, bolehkah kita mempercayai KEMPEN parti POLITIK 'RASIS' KIASU mereka yang KONONnya ingin 'MENYELAMATKAN NEGARA' ini?
Ini adalah sikap mereka sendiri bukannya kerana SALAH ibu mengandung.. Dengan KATA lain, mereka sendiri yang SEBENARnya menunjukkan SIKAP sebagai warga KELAS KEDUA, bukannya disebabkan oleh sesiapa pun.. Namun, adakah mereka yang diMAKSUDkan ini mahu mengakuinya?
Sungguh malang NEGARA ini kerana mempunyai RAKYAT yang bukan sahaja GAGAL mengHORMATi asas-asas kenegaraan dan Perlembagaan Negara, malah buruk PERANGAI hanya kerana mementingkan SENTIMEN POLITIK mereka yang BURUK dan bersandarkan nilai KEKIASUAN..."
Tukang Dok Peghati
Helah Untuk Mengambil-alih Kuasa Memerintah
"...Bagi yang tidak faham apa disebalik permintaan Pincohio Lim, dia mahukan supaya dibandar2 di mana Cina lebih ramai dan padat penduduk, diberi lebih banyak kerusi menurut jumlah pengundi kawasan terkecil di kampung2.
Kalau demikian, apa maknanya? Bukankah lebih ramai ADUN dan AP orang Cina di Parlimen dan DUN. Tidakkah suara mereka lebih banyak...."
The Unspinners
Read Also MELAYU PERLU SEDAR by Yeop Parit
Ahli PAS Totok
Media Permatang Pauh @Pilihan Anda
Read Also from Pisau.net, GhostWriter, House PK and Satu Melayu
And on the contrary to "PAS Totok" - Read "Gambar Guan Eng Di Balun" by GAP
The Strange Case of Dato Mirza Who Fights The Ministers - Something Continues To Be Brewing
OutSyed The Box
Read also "Another Loss Against Mirza Will Taint MACC" by A Voice
Some Questions For The Dungus
OutSyed The Box
Perutusan Perkasa Dari Madinah
Alahai Najib..Najib..Najib...
Sakmongkol AK47
Rad also, "Najib, Najib, Najib..." and "Adil dan Merit" by Dinturtle
It Is Ok For Namewee to be Utterly Racist, but It Is NOT Ok for Siti Inshah, Ahmad Ali, Nasir Safar
Rocky's Bru
Pornthip - Serving The Paymaster, Forget Professionalism, To Hell With TBH.
Big Dog
Some Malaysians and Some Liars
Che Det
Orang Cina Bersatu - Waktu Terbaik Untuk Mengambilalih Orang Melayu Yang Sedang Berpecah Belah
Yazid Othman
Read also, "Bangkitlah Melayu" by Dinturtle
And "Bangsa Yang Tidak Mengenang Budi", by GWM @House PK
And "Najib di Cerai Soi Lek Talak 3" by Tam Dalyell
And "Stop Outrageous Demands" by Big Dog
And "Kepala Pelakon Filem Lucah Semakin Besar" by Penghuni Gua
And "Jangan Terlalu Berani Mencabar" by Ridhuan Tee
And "Lan Cau Lu Soi Lek !" by GAP
And "We Still Cannot Accept The Truth Behind It" by Voices Around
Selangor's Toney Tunes Comedy Acts
Syed Nadzri @The Unspinners
Dinar Emas Kelantan - Jika Gagal Jangan Babitkan Tun M
Tendang Terajang
The Two Sons who "Bastardized" NEP - Who Themselves Are A Product of NEP
Rocky's Bru
Read also, "Which Eco-System Did Nazir Razak Come from?" by BigDog
and, "KEC - Org Cina Kini Mahu Pula Celah Peha Org Melayu" by Hidup Tuah !
Fahaman Komunis Mula Menampilkan Diri di Selangor
Mahathir - A Cruel Leader
Che Det
And Commentaries by OutSyed The Box
Also Ulasan by Analisa Kumbang
Perdana Menteri 1-Malaysia - Najib Razak
A Voice
Read Also, "Apa Sebenarnya Pendirian Tuan?" by DinTurtle
Sikap Kerajaan DAP/PR yang Rasis di Penang
Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir @Pribumi Perkasa
Kedah Darul Aman bertukar kepada Darul Lumpur di bawah Program Pembalakan Pembangkang
Pelantaq Hujah
Taktik Murahan Wayang Opera Parti Rasis
Tukang Dok Peghati
Made In ISRAEL, packed in Singapore, Sold In Malaysia
Fake Malaysians With Foreign Tongues
Voices Around
Bukti DAP Menguasai Pakatan Rakyat (PR)
Cucu Tok Selampit
![]() |
(http://pilihan-anda.blogspot.com/2010/08/ketua-menteri-yang-hipokrit.html) |
Azizah Versus Ezam
Daniel @GAP
Toni Pua Gets What He Deserved
"...So, dari statement LU tu, GUA permudahkan calculation macam ni::
Gerakan Timur
Read Also "Economic Advisor DAP Yang Palsu" by The Unspinners
Khazanah Blows Another RM7.93 billion of Taxpayers' Funds
OutSyed The Box
Felda's Lawsuit - PAS's long timed Hatred and Pakatan's Ploy to Destabilize the Govt
A Voice
Read Also "Menyaman Felda Menguntung Peguam Dari Peneroka" by The Unspinners
And from Marahku, "Pakatan Profiteering"
Also from Aku Yang Gambi, "Felda Di Saman Bermotifkan Politik"
Sikap Artis...oooppsss!!! PM Yang Terlampau
Pure Shiite
Berharap Kepada Tok Pa Setelah PM Nampaknya Kurang Prihatin Terhadap Agenda Bumiputera
"...tidak ada Agenda Bumiputera dipahatkan dalam MBE tersebut. Namun ia telah sempat dipintas oleh MPM melalui Kongres Ekonomi Bumiputera (KEB) pada 29 Mei 2010. Lantas Agenda Bumiputera sempat dipahatkan dalam RMKe-10...
...NKEA adalah pemacu RMKe-10; jika tidak ada Agenda Bumiputera maka punahlah ekonomi Bumi; lantas, seperti MBE, digeruni ia akan menjadi alat untuk menjajah Bumi pula...
more specifically about the Economic Dominance of the Chinese in Malaysia... When the distribution channel is controlled by a particular community who acts in the interest of its own community rather than the general interest of the population, naturally they have the ability to make other communities economically uncompetitive vis-à-vis their own community - Social Capital, The Modern MALAYsian Dilemma and Economic Models ]..."
Hidup Tuah!
Another Malaysians That We Are Proud Of - Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua, The School Where A Nation Is Built !
de minimis
Mahasiswa Dan Politik
"...Maksud (politik) Serpihan Masyarakat Kini: a) Gerakan perebutan kuasa. b) Strategi memenangkan diri atau kumpulan... Semuga dengan tertegasnya larangan ini mahasiswa akan lebih mudah meletakkan diri untuk mematangkan pemikirannya tanpa godaan dari kekeliruan terancang pihak pihak berkepentingan..."
Tok Janggut Keramat
Read Also "Pesanan Mahasiswa Untuk Dato Saifuddin" by Penghuni Gua
Kamu Seorang Pengkhianat !
Read also, "Anwar Cium Seorang Lelaki di Mahkamah", by House PK
The TBH Saga - DAP's Murder Accucsation Against MACC
Fatimah Zuhri @Cucu Tok Selampit
Read Also, "TBH Suicide Note", by A Piece of My Mind
Sathiya - A Malaysian We Are Proud Of
Selamat Berpuasa dari The Unspinners. Renungan puasa untuk Orang Melayu berkopiah, yang katanya menitik-beratkan perjuangan agama Islam di Malaysia ini. "Anehnya Pas tidak menetapkan sebarang batasan kepada DAP dalam kerjasama mereka, malah asyik tunduk kepada parti tersebut yang secara terbuka menentang gagasan negara Islam."- Awang @ The Unspinners
DAP Lim Guan Eng's Govt In Penang Lied!
The Unspinners
Read also, "Melayu Penang Terus Di Tindas" by House PK
Another "Unpatriotic act", Because of Money?
RACIST and "double-standard" LGE of DAP at Penang
Read also, "Mana Takbir Juak-Juak PAS?" by Satu Melayu
Pengundi Melayu Yang Mengundi Calon Cina Sekutu DAP
The Flying Kick @House PK
Read also, "Jangan Jadi Bodoh", by BigDog
TBH's Suicide Note
A Voice
Read also "Terkini Kes TBH" by RBF
Bumiyang @Voices Around
Untuk Renungan Melayu Yang Tak Habis-Habis Bergaduh & Berpecah
Ridhuan Tee
Pricing Them Out !
OutSyed The Box
Surat Ummi Hafilda - Bukan Surat Layang Ye !
Rahsia Besar/Cicero @The Unspinners, a refresher by Pisau.net
Read also "Fitnah" by Bumiyang
More details in "Anwar's 17 Nights of Terror" by OutSyed The Box
Kepada Sebilangan Masyarakat Cina Yang Amat Kurang Ajar
Big Dog
KDN - Ambil Tindakan ke Atas Helen Ang, Now!!
DAP & Sebahagian Cina Yang Amat Kurang Ajar by House PK
Semakin Biadap Update from Big Dog
All Sorts of Robberies - Insider Trading
Rocky Bru
Read also "Sime Buffeting" by de minimis
And "Ssyyyyhhhh! ..... Let the PM goes to Sleep.." by A Voice
And Up Until Now, There Is Not A Single Word from Govt? Najib?
OutSyed The Box
And The Sime Darby Fox by A Voice
Also The Bankrupt Felda by Penarik Beca
List Of Some by Tukang Dok Peghati
Ya !! Rakyat Yg Di Suruh Ikat Perut Kena lagi!
And "GLC's Dungu" by A Voice
Also "Najib Tak Pernah Bodoh, Singapork Yang Bodoh" by Penarik Beca
Demokrasi Hilang Akal - Pengamal Undang-Undang Yang Senget Sebelah
Saman Ekor - You Are Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Voices Around
Lagi Mengenai UMNO, kini sebuah Parti Politik Bukan Untuk Orang Melayu
Ahmad Senawi @House PK
Read also "UMNO Eksyen?" by Sakmongkol AK47
Pembangkang Yang Amat Biadap
The Unspinners
When Lim Guan Eng (and certain members of opposition) Asks For It
Read also from Satu Melayu and House PK
Baca kisahnya (further report) di The Unspinners
Malaysia Under Najib Kena Kencing Dengan Kiasu Neighbour
OutSyed The Box
Rancangan Pemisahan Pulau Pinang Dari Malaysia
The Blurry 1-Malaysia - Need To Explain It Holistically
BLOG DIMENSI (http://jeffrydamien09.blogspot.com/) hilang lagi ??? |
Gangsterism got the Votes!
OutSyed The Box
Read about "OMG! Real Culprit" fellow by Marahku
A Reason for the Malays to have Their Own Malay Political Party?
Kingnek @The Unspinners
ISA in Preserving Democracy in this Country
Tun Dr. Ismail @The "RM13 mil +" Guy Rambles (Big Dog)
Closing One Eye On Corruption in DAP
Rocky's Bru
Read also "What About Ronnie Liu" by Big Dog
Kerakusan Segolongan Cina dan Kealpaan Segolongan Melayu
- Hak Istimewa Melayu Tidak Boleh di Politikkan - Hafarizam @House PK
- YB Azizan Abu Bakar (P1998) L*wat - OutSyed The Box
- Kalau sampai berbunuh, mesti DAP punya kerja - The Unspinners
- Takkan BERANI ambil tindakkan terhadap orang yang dah PENCEN aje? - Tukang Dok Peghati
- KL ministers make us angry – MP - Hantulaut
- Terkini Kes TBH: DAP Mula Kepanasan Apabila Kebenaran Hampir Muncul - RBF
- Admit being a persecuted gay person to any Western countries they will let you in! - Barking Magpie
- This Anifah Aman, ain't bad at all ... - Rocky's Bru
- Kamera Pengintip Di Jumpai Di Rumah RBF - RBF
- No School Of Hard Knocks! Why The NEP Failed ? - Hantulaut
- Melayu Rasis 13; Bulan Puasa ,Bulan Paling Mahal - Pisau.Net
- Bercium, Hubungan Shaha Riza dan Anwar Bukan Sekadar Itu - Analisa Kumbang
- Cina ... bangsa yang tidak ada adab sopan - The Unspinners