Just My Thoughts @KEMPEN SSS
So despite the kudos dan pujian tinggi melangit that PM Najib
has been receiving from minority pressure groups normally instigated by
the Pakatan politicians who uses any issue to hammer the BN, there are
the majority rakyat who are law abiding citizens who don’t give two
hoots about people who are detained under the ISA as long as our streets
are safe, the majority will only be happy if the ISA is abolished and
replaced by laws that are better than the ISA.
I have this suggestion for PM Najib, want to be known as a Leader one who has balls? a REAL reformer? A REAL transformer?
how about this: Announce the reinstatement of the PPSMI as soon as
possible and I am sure the votes will come in droves from grateful
Parents and Students who cut across parties, race and religion.